I am Invincible

When coined with the term "youth," the idea of paramount beauty, strength, and mobility come to mind. For this reason, it is more common to see young people do foolish things than older, for the older are burdened with the aftermath of their foolish years; in fact, the more foolish things done, the greater the burden that is strung later on. Here's an illustration of my vague words:
Over a century ago, the world met cigarettes for the first time. At the moment, cigarettes were deemed as innocent, and even helpful trends, enhancing the overall coolness of an individual. 

Everyone played with them, eventually initiating their addiction in their early years. It became the norm to smoke cigarettes during meals, on walks, whenever feeling down, etc. Forty years too late, after seeing lung cancer and emphezema cases skyrocket, people then realized that what they were playing with in their mouths launched severe health defects, overall intensifying the later burden they would have to carry. 

The same situation ocurred with Radon and other substances. A sense of deja vu lingers in this day in time when I look around and see my peers taking huffs of vapes. "Oh, it's just flavored water vapor." I wonder what they put in the flavoring or vapor to make it so addicting, then. 

In our youth, we tend to think with a sense of immunity, with the thought of, "oh, that would never happen to me." We are all human; if the consequences don't reveal themselves at the present, they will show up sooner thean expected.


  1. Your reasoning is very eye-opening; I like how you used human nature to support your argument. Also, nice use of dialogue.

  2. I like your argument, which is that our youthful feeling of "immunity" is just a veil. However, I wonder if your comparison between cigarettes and vapes is valid. The physical similarities (between vapes and cigarettes) are striking, but the culture and evidence just wasn't there when cigarettes became popular. You mention it yourself; "cigarettes were deemed [sic] innocent." So I'm just wondering if it's just to compare something known to be harmful (vapes) to something thought to be harmless (cigarettes). Overall, your blog is nicely worded and has a conversational tone.

  3. Your thoughts are very well spoken and nice use of diction! The dialogue of a generic youthful person added a lot to your argument as well.


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